Monday 18 October 2010

Week 1 in the wilderness - Day 1

Just going to hit some heavy girls this week and start a second v2.0 cycle next week

315lb deadlift
HSPU, press width

4:10 - deads unbroken, HSPU 6/6, 5/4, 4/2, 3 with 20’ walk out and back between chunks

First time any Diane derivative has been executed with any sort of metcon intensity. Def helped the deadlifts to work up to a triple at 397lb - 315 felt relatively light when it was time to go. Also very happy with HSPU’s considering they have been almost completely unworked in the last 6 months. The closest previous WOD to todays effort was 12-9-6 300lb deads and forehead to deck HSPU’s which I completed in 6:10. I’ll take it as a win but this will be the standard going forward.

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