Monday, 17 May 2010

Cycle 1, Week 7 - Deadlifts

Deads a day early. Taking a night off from the Faktory tomorrow so decided to skip tonights squats and get my deads in instead.

5x425lb (3 and 5 rep PB)

9x397lb (PB)

Had some playtime on the GHD and finally figured out the setup for GH raises. Did a set of 5 and then 10 - be good for buy ins and cash outs for sure.

No metcon today but tomorrow may be a short sharp two-fer ...

This is week 6 of my current cycle and I’m feeling good.

EDIT - just realised this is actually week 7 of this cycle - EDIT

I started with 5x386 and 18x331 so have come a long way. With my decision to keep squats light and dial in my form I am recovering really well and my deads and presses are feeling great and really feel like they could progress for another 4 weeks easily. I’m sorely tempted to ride the crest of the wave - anyone have thoughts on this?

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