Saturday, 31 July 2010

New toys

5 rounds of Pissed Off Grace
3 GTOH, 60kg (yep - a new 20kg bar so no funny numbers for a change)
15 ball slams (with my new D ball - even deader than my sand filled basket balls)

3:57 - how much fun was that!!

This WOD was brought to you by JTM, GG, Rogue, AFPO and just a little JD!!

Friday, 30 July 2010

Front Squat
5x260 (Edit - apparently this is equal to my PB which I got during my second CFSB cycle before I popped my hip. From then on squatting has been extremely inconsistent. Hope I can get some momentum and develop some decent numbers here. Nice to have squats that sit nicely next my deads and presses)

Back Squat

Thursday, 29 July 2010

500 mile round trip roadtrip down to Mildenhall to pick up some gear shipped over to a mate by by the AFPO. Took the opportunity to do a workout with his crew

80% of 1rm deadlift every 30 secs for 15 mins then

All completed at 360lb

9 min AMRAP
10 burpee box jumps
5/5 kb snatch, 24kg

5 rounds + 9 burpees

Felt good to get some work done

With a new complement of toys at home I’m planning dates with Karabelle and pissed off Grace in the very near future

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Something is better than nothing ... right?!

Working on the basis something is better than nothing

Power snatch
Worked up to a new 2lb PB @ 174lb - included a little press out but nothing drastic

Monday, 26 July 2010

Floor play

Dragging after laying and cutting matting in our new space all day yesterday. Class was working up to a heavy power clean and jerk so decided to follow suit

Nice and snappy up to 90kg, 95and 100kg my feet refused to leave the floor to get under the bar so ended up push pressing it. Thought this may have been due to my choice of footwear so exchanged the flip flops for sneaks but was just generally lacking quickness. Possibly should have just pushpressed it and called it good

Friday, 23 July 2010

actually back to something like CFSB rather than just lazy man’s strength training

Front Squat

Back Squat

5 rft
5 front squat, 154lb
5 awoh, 154lb
Run 200m


Thursday, 22 July 2010

3x452lb (1, 2 and 3 rep PB)
9x397lb (missed grip on drop start and attempted regrip at hang twice. More in this for sure

Cash out - self flagellateion AKA double under practice

Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Saturday, 17 July 2010

CFCM Invitational

Crossfit Central Manchester Invitational

WOD 1 & 2
90 secs max rep deadlift with either 80kg, 100kg or 120kg - score is total load shifted

Followed immediately by
4 rounds of
10 kb front squat, 2x20kg
10 kb rack to overhead, 2x20kg
10 kb lunges, 2x20kg
10 kb thrusters, 2x20kg
50m farmers walk, 2x20kg

This was an evil combo - finished the combo in 18:03 and managed 46 deads at 100kg. 3rd in the deadlift and 4th in the kb event had me in first place.

Next was a 10 minute CTB Cindy. 10 rounds and 7 push ups dropped me a few spots to 5th or 6th which had me eligible for the last surprise workout (top 20 in each category). Legs totally unhappy by this stage so warmup for final event included a cold beer while watching initial rounds. Pretty sure that in addition to being a social lubricant it is also a very effective physical lubricant. Pre-beer i had serious doubts as to whether I could manage a single full depth squat ...

Load 2x20kg plates on prowler and push for 50m (25m out and back)
Unload prowler and carry plates 50m
Load bar to 40kg and do
10 OHS
10 thruster
10 shoulder to overhead
10 front squat
Load 2x20kg plates on prowler and push for 50m

Finished in 5:03 and ultimately placed 6th out of about 50 men. Happy enough with that. Great day and super proud of the crew I took down with 4 out of 6 placing in the top 20. The one girl we took down placed 2nd in the ladies comp!!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

3fx447lb (1, 2 and 3 rep PB)

Then some squats as they seem to have a great impact on my hip mobility

Sets on the minute with some PVC OHS in between

3x5x133lb back squat
3x5x133lb front squat
3x5x133lb overhead squat

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Skipped high rep in deference to metcon

30 push press, 60kg
Row 750m

3:57 - 1:34/ 2:23

Push press 20/10
Row was on track for 2:15 until 200m to go and then this entered a hideous world of hurt. Was floored for about 15 minutes after this

Tuesday, 13 July 2010


1 hour later

3 rounds
Bear complex@100lb (7 cycles of power clean, thruster, rack thruster)
10 burpees

6:40 - although the back squats felt good and had a nice comfortable groove with no knee pain the complexes didn’t feel good at all

Unless there is any major mark tomorrow from the back squats I’m going to use this as a starting point and work them in the conventional CFSB format. I don’t enjoy squatting as i do with press or deads but definitely appreciate the utility and benefit they will provide

Saturday, 10 July 2010

70's Big July Challenge

70’s Big July Challenge

3 press @ 62.5% bw
3 strict pull ups

29 rounds @ 127lb

Suited me as is dud knee friendly - be a great friday night WOD too. Can you say GUN SHOW!!

Was a little surprised as expected strict pull ups to be the bottleneck. Presses broke to 2/1 about 15 rounds in (about 8:30) and were singles from about 23 rounds. Pull ups unbroken throughout

Friday, 9 July 2010

July Painstorm

Painstorm for July

4 rounds (5 power clean 155lb, 5 thruster 155lb)
Run 800m
3 rounds (5 power clean 155lb, 5 thruster 155lb)
Run 600m
2 rounds (5 power clean 155lb, 5 thruster 155lb)
Run 400m
1 round (5 power clean 155lb, 5 thruster 155lb)
Run 200m

Finished the 1st round of the 2 round but my R knee fell in when i dropped into the last thruster. Managed to shove it out but in the process there was lots of crunching, grinding and a pretty good Owie. Was about 17 minutes at that stage - decided discretion was the better part of valour and called it a day there. Gonna rest up the knee for the weekend and test it on Monday. In the meantime Leon mentioned the 70’s Big challenge for July - should be good before a night out tomorrow

Thursday, 8 July 2010

4fx441lb (2, 3 and 4 rep PB - this is my current 1 rep max)

12x397lb (2 rep PB)

Tuesday, 6 July 2010



Apparently bodyweight thrusters are not the best pre-cursor for a successful press session. Still happy enough with that.

Monday, 5 July 2010


CFSB Throwdown

3 rounds for time of
3 bw power cleans
6 bw thrusters
12 pull ups

5 rounds was going to be a low power suck fest. As is this was pretty disappointing. Without a doubt Beast Boy would crush 5 rounds of this in under 10 easy.

Bodyweight 199lb, time 10:30

Friday, 2 July 2010

10 rounds
10 pull up
10 ring dip
10 abmat
10 squat

15:58 - hot, sweaty and surprisingly breathy towards the tail end. I say surprisingly because I never felt I was moving that fast ...

Thursday, 1 July 2010

3fx435lb (2 and 3 rep PB)


Not overly impressed with today but I’m dragging a bit so will move on and try to sort myself out for next week.

Then tried out some assistance work suggested by a Poliquin coach

Snatch grip deads with 8 secs pauses at various spots on descent, 133lb

Seated good mornings, 89lb

Bulgarian lunges then some step ups w/ 89lb onto a 33” box

Interesting stuff - gonna be picking his brains for the next couple of months improving our own movement and seeing what we can pass on to our trainees