Sunday, 25 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 4 - Press


Feeling a little creaky hence all the ramp up sets. All sets taken from the floor. Plenty of rest between sets from about 165lb up. High rep sets in the form of HSPU off 25lb bumpers to be done when Jane returns and can keep an eye on JT

EDIT - HSPU off bumpers was battering my wrists something horrible so after 3 attempts dropped to floor level. Managed 6 sets of 5 with 1 minute rest before failing on the 7th after 2 reps.

Away for a week now so I am sure that these will get a little more practice in that time.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 4 - Front Squats

Yesterday ended up an impromptu rest day - I need to view my nutrition with a coach’s eye cos it ain’t working ...

Front Squat

Back Squat

Hang power cleans, 133lb
Ring Dips
2:08 - lost hook grip on 11 of 12 and broke at 5/2/2 for last round of ring dips otherwise unbroken and smooth. Happy with that.

Also got a few sets of 15 GHD sit ups and hip extensions in as well as some GHD sit up med ball tosses- FUN!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 4 - Metcon

Metcon today

5 rft “McGhee”
5 deadlifts, 275lb
13 press ups
9 box jumps

4:33 - pretty decent sprint but deads were a little sketchy in sneakers rather than barefoot (shoes to absorb impact from box jumps). Press ups slowed a touch in round 4 but only broke in the final round. Missed one jump in round 3 with a dive roll recovery.

3 rounds
10 GHD sit ups
10 hip extensions
10 pull ups

Before class was building our brand new York GHD. Thing is a tank and so much easier to use than the tractor tyres that we have been using for the last year or so.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 4 - Deadlifts



Heavy with a side order of heavy - I'm on holiday next week so may not get any lifts in from Monday to Thursday. If I have a chance I will hit deads for preference and will have to think about where to go from here. I might have one week left of 5's but that would be absolute bleeding edge. 3's might be the way forward from here. Would also leave a little more in the tank for the high rep set.

No metcon today - ran out of time. Will try and get something light and snappy that I can sprint through tomorrow.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 4 - Back squats

Back Squat

10 min AMRAP (Short version of “GD”)
3 thrusters, 155lb
5 burpees
10 double unders

5 rounds + 6 doubles

Think this was largely thanks to my revived Buddy Lee rope. Replaced the long ago shattered rope with a cheap plastic rope that had the handles snap off. Works a treat and managed my first 4 consecutive DU’s before the WOD. So much for skill - it’s all about the rope wink

Friday, 16 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 3 - Play Day

Nothing structured - just joined in a CFNEE attempt to destroy a brand new pair of 20kg bumpers. A new supplier has just come on the market at ridiculously cheap prices. Of course we thought it was too good to be true but worth while dropping some coin to test them out. So the mission was to get as many people as possible taking 60kg overhead and dropping with abandon. Had a few folks get PB’s on GTOH in the process.

Throughout the morning session we got a few hundred drops on them including Leon and I doing a few 8 - 10 round bursts each using the Murski bounce. Absolutely so sign of deterioration at all. We’ll be getting more for sure

Try and get presses in tomorrow but other than that stretching, foam rolling and mobility for me. I’m a hurting unit

Cycle 1, Week 3 - Front Squats

5x254lb - this is getting heavy but I don’t know how much room going to triples would give me. Suck up another 5lb next week for 5 and see how it goes

Back Squat

Mini Easy Mary
10 min AMRAP
5 HSPU (press width)
10 pull ups
25 Squats

6 rounds in 9:52 (PB for 20 min version is 11 + 5 pull ups)

My metcon’s the last few weeks have felt like just hard work rather than any real full throttle sprints. Figure that this is a by-product of biting off more than I can chew with a full volume and intensity CFSB cycle instead of a ramp up cycle. Will allow this to continue for the remainder of the cycle but look to light the fires next cycle.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 3 - Metcon

AMRAP 20 minutes
Run 200m
1 GTOH, 133lb
Run 200m
2 GTOH, 133lb
Run 200m ...

Completed 11 rounds on the button (it clicked 20:01 as the bar hit the deck)

Hard work indeed but not high end intensity. Running for me is a pretty much one speed affair in WOD’s. Anything faster kicks off a rapid downhill slide. Still, just less than 1.5 miles as well as 2 and a bit Grace’s in 20 minutes isn’t too bad I guess.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 3 - Deadlift


16x355lb (PB)

399 felt better than 392 last week - 405 is gonna be heavy next week though. Gonna jump to 375lb next week for high rep set - hopefully that knocks the volume down a bit

AMRAP 7 min
10 hang power cleans, 100lb
10 broad jumps, 6’

6 rounds + 8 HPC

All about the jumps - 6’ requires a near maximal effort and the impact on landing is not insignificant. Def going to include more of these in my mix!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 3 - Back squats

Back Squat

5 rounds of Cindy for time

Got slammed in traffic so no time before class. All this was done in 15 mins after class

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 2 - Metcon

Fun metcon in the sun

5 rft
10 push press, 135lb
10 tyre flips (250-300lb)
Run 200m


Friday, 9 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 2 - Front Squats


HB Back Squat

3 rft
Run 400m
15 SDHP, 99lb

6:47 (2:11/ 2:15/ 2:21)

Good metcon hit - not my first choice but I’m trying to be smart and get on top of recovery.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 2 - Metcon

On the subject of lifting heavy things I am going to have to leave that to the ME and HR stuff for a little while. Jumping into a full volume CFSB cycle after doing very little has left me stupidly sore. Pretty clear indication that even if you can, it doesn’t mean you should. So no heavy metcon for a couple of weeks until I adapt to the volume.

After abortive attempts at squat and burpee based metcons I ended up with “Helen”. Aim was smooth and unbroken - managed that and completed in 9:15

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 2 - Rest Day

Something just to loosen up whilst working on a goat (or an opportunity to whip a dead horse ...)

10 double unders
10 pull ups
10 double unders
9 pull ups
10 double unders
1 pull up


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 2 - Deadlifts



Heavy Lizzie
Power Clean, 188lb
Ring Dips


About 55 secs off PB - started out with 8 muscle cleans and ran down hill from there. Think the deads put the brakes on for my hips and just couldn’t drop under the bar. The 6 and 3 rounds most reps were only jumped up to the top of my abs and then had to be muscled to the rack. Could have left the gym with no metcon at all so this will do for today. Def need to hit some high end breathiness this week though ...

Monday, 5 April 2010

Cycle 1 , Week 2 - Back Squat

Back Squat (High bar)


Prowler intervals

6 40m runs alternating high and low push with 143lb (1 minute rest between efforts)

Hard - not super gassy or painful - just hard work!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 1 - Press



Friday, 2 April 2010

Cycle 1, Week 1 - Front Squats


Back Squat
15x199lb (HBBS)

Stolen from GD
5-1 thrusters, 155lb
1-5 muscle ups


Thursday, 1 April 2010

Cycle 1, week 1 - Metcon

Speal v Khalipa WOD

1 GTOH, 155lb
1 rnd Cindy
2 GTOH, 155lb
1 rnd Cindy
10 GTOH, 155lb
1 rnd Cindy


Work per rep GTOH approx 1900 joules - 104.5 kJ total (55 reps)
Work per round Cindy approx 10050 joules - 100.5 kJ total (10 rounds)

Not sure where I’m going with this but was interested enough to pull the figures from the Performance Menu calculator

Didn’t take splits but finished the 4 round at 5 mins and the 8 round at 16 mins (this included catching a clean in the throat during the 7’s and coughing my lungs up for a minute or so)

Thoughts of unbroken cindy rounds disappeared about round 6 - got gassy and hard and my character was lacking.