Thursday, 26 August 2010

Cycle 1, Week 1 - Metcon

K-Stars Mobility WOD day 4

Task priority FGB

3:39/ 4:33 - 2:38 rest before starting round 3 then 5:23 (not 5:33 like originally posted)

On any other day this would represent an unexcusable lack of character but after only 4 or so hours sleep last night I think my worst mistake was sticking with my planned WOD. Round 1 was mainly smooth and broken only by a couple of stutters on the wallball and messing around re-awakening the monitor on the C2. Wallball was a continued failure in 2nd and third rounds and dropping the bar or ball or standing in front of the box seemed a much better idea. Nearly tapped out after 2 rounds but finished what I’d started which will do for today.

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